Thursday, December 4, 2008

HOnK...HonK seSSiOn ....AGAIN

Need I xplain more??hahaha.. See how hepi pwincess is with this thingy,Lol!!

Da BEsH SleePIng StylE Everrrr this our pwincess / it has been superimposed?? wakakka

MY Christmas BOOK

tg figure out wut to do,hmmmm

sampai kecur ayaq liur dok bc buku,ehehe

GOSh!!! Its so BIG mama,
BUt anw Am LOvinG it.

ChrisTMAS DecO @ Curve DsaRA

Last sat, we went to Ikano togeda wif tok mama, aunty rara & uncle amer. aiseh,forgot to take our pic togeda la,Lol! Was so amazed wif the christmast deco,soooo beautipool hocay* as u can see in da pics, lovely aite??
Also loving this pic.. pwincess @ ikea,


Pwincess Iman flashing her sexy tummy, auwwww

SEpetang @ LAke GARdeN

PwinCess 7 & 8mths buFdaY CeLebRAtion

syomotnyerrr pwincess..hehehe

7 mths